
bottomfeederBottomfeeder: How to Eat Ethically in a World of Vanishing Seafood by Taras Grescoe available @

Wonderful Written – Very Intense

Grescoe is a master wordsmith. He paints such vivid word pictures that I wonder if I were to actually go to some of the places he describes I would experience déjà vu. After reading his descriptions of eating Belon oysters in France or barbequed sardines in Portugal, I had to fight the impulse to bring up Travelocity and find a flight. He has a narrative, anecdotal style that kept me flipping the pages.

I’ve long been bothered how food arrives at my plate. I’m not opposed to eating meat or fish, but I want to do it in an ethical manner. After reading “Eating Animals by Jonathan Safran Foer I doubt that is possible with meat purchased from most sources available to me. I saw seafood Continue reading “Bottomfeeder”