You gotta go with your strength

One of my coworkers is a gentleman of 50 something years. He has a glass eye.

Wednesday of course, was Halloween, and they had a Trunk-or-Treat event in our office. The building had a costume event so there were more than a few souls not in business casual.

Where you get such things is beyond me, but my coworker had replaced his “dress” glass eye with a gag one. For all the world, it look like his eyeball was enucleating in a projectile fashion so that there was about 2 inches of “goo” projecting from his eye socket. To complete the ensemble he had fake blood on his white shirt. He was such a happy camper as folks would look at him, become aghast, then start twittering nervously.

My favorite definition of sanity is, “knowing how to go insane safely.” Bingo.

Smack Down at Our Lady of Salvation Bingo Emporium

bingoKarol was a tall, somewhat overweight Jewish woman with a pouty lower lip. She had been attractive in her younger days, but age had definitely come to visit.

She was married, but as far as day to day living she was essentially single. Her lifelong spouse had Alzheimer’s disease and he had been in a nursing home for many years. He did not know Karol, or anyone else for that matter. Nevertheless, Karol would visit him regularly, almost daily. It was a large part of her social life. Not her husband per se, Continue reading “Smack Down at Our Lady of Salvation Bingo Emporium”