Word of the Day – Asperity

  • Noun: Asperity
    1. roughness of manner or of temper :  harshness of behavior or speech that expresses bitterness or anger He asked with some asperity just what they were implying.
    2. rigor, severity    … whether hearing herself described as a ‘lovely woman’ softened the asperity of her grief … — Charles Dickens
    3. roughness of surface :  unevenness; also :  a tiny projection from a surface the asperities of the tongue
    4. roughness of sound
  • Synonyms:
    1. harshness
    2. sharpness
    3. abrasiveness
    4. roughness
    5. severity
    6. acerbity
    7. astringency
    8. tartness
    9. sarcasm
  • Usage
    • “Someone Trump deemed fit to be a spokesman for him appeared on television to put a tasty dressing on her employer’s word salad: “What good does it do to have a good nuclear triad if you’re afraid to use it?” To which a retired Army colonel appearing on the same program replied with amazed asperity: “The point of the nuclear triad is to be afraid to use the damn thing .”
  • Encountered

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