Word of the Day – Artifice


  • Noun: Artifice
    1. clever or artful skill :  ingenuity
    2. an ingenious device or expedient
    3. an artful stratagem :  trick
    4. false or insincere behavior <social artifice>
  • Synonyms:
    1. Trickery
    2. Deceit
    3. Deception
    4. Duplicity
    5. Guile
    6. Cunning
    7. Artfulness
    8. Wiliness
    9. Chicanery
  • Usage:

“The queen, although astonished at this language, to which she was not accustomed from her courtiers, argued from it a happy omen of the zeal with which D’Artagnan would serve her in the accomplishment of her project. It was one of the Gascon’s artifices to hide his deep cunning occasionally under an appearance of rough loyalty.”

  • Encountered:

While reading Twenty Years After by Alexandre

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