The Apocalypse…Very Soon

I follow my investments with  a portfolio on Google Finance.  For the first time since I don’t remember, every single investment was green, meaning the price has increased.

The Apocalypse is coming and very, very soon… there is absolutely no doubt about it in my mind.  Now is the moment to duck and cover under your desks while you still have time.

Or maybe I just have The Apocalypse on my mind after reading this article: Medvedev begins to frighten world with apocalypse. It almost seems like Putin would rather destroy the world than admit defeat in Ukraine.

And so it goes.

Zombie Apocalypse and Silver Linings

In my somewhat long and very circuitous life I have lived through several natural disasters, economic, spiritual and emotional crises. The current one of COVID-19 feels different on so many levels.   With natural disasters and to some extent with economic crises there is something physical to grasp onto, something to see.  Especially with natural crises, there is often something physical you can do.  Our physicality in this crisis is limited to sheltering in place. With a natural disaster you generally have a timeline.  You have an expectation Continue reading “Zombie Apocalypse and Silver Linings”