How cool is that?

Metropolitan St. Louis is more or less a Democratic area amidst the sea of red that is Republican Missouri.  However the sashaying Señora Weinhaus and I live in the suburb of Chesterfield which is smack dab in the middle of the 2nd Congressional District.  This is the district which has given us such Republican notables as Todd “Legitimate Rape” Akin and Ann “What Climate Change” Wagner.  This time around Jill Schupp is running against Ann Wagner.

I have absolutely nothing positive to say about Wagner except one thing.  She inadvertently gave me the tagline for my blog.  In 2013 I posted an article on my blog, Ann Wagner, Global Warming Denier…Be scared, very scared. The article was picked up by Continue reading “How cool is that?”

Change Needed in Missouri’s 2nd Congressional District


I wrote this blog post a while ago.  Since then I have attempted to contact Mr. Lieber via his website some 2 or 3 weeks ago. So far there has been no response.

If I was trying to run a grass roots campaign by not accepting money, I would be responding to every possible citizen interest that came my way.

What I concluded by this is the Democratic machine does not feel that they have a breathe of a chance to win against Ann “Climate Change Denier” Wagner.  Therefore they are not putting any resources into the race and Mr. Lieber is, for lack of a better phrase, the sacrificial lamb.

There is a reason that I do not claim to be a Democrat, but an anti-Republican.  How sad it is that our politics and our future in the hands of these two corporate owned parties.  If the Democrats were truly a party of the people they would be putting up a fight against the horrendous legislator that is Ann Wagner.

Missouri’s 2nd Congressional District is in the part of St. Louis County known as West County.  It is 90% white and 60% Republican. The average household income ($71,141) is approximately 35% higher than the national average of $52,762.  Home ownership is 78% with a median home value of $209,200 versus the Missouri wide median value of $138,900.

To call this district conservative is an understatement.  They sent Todd   “Legitimate Rape” Akins to Congress 6 times.  They followed that up with Ann “Climate Change Denier” Wagner.  Continue reading “Change Needed in Missouri’s 2nd Congressional District”

Hucksters selling you a ray-gun-proof magic hat…

The following quote is from an op-ed piece in the New York Times.  I found it exceeding rich and to the point.

‘“Do you think that storm was from global warming?” everyone asked after coastal New York and New Jersey were smashed by Hurricane Sandy. “Well, maybe,” was the best anyone could say; there have always been storms.

But the aliens are in the backyard, Granny, and it’s time to start hitting them with the cast-iron pans. The [climate] deniers are the equivalent of hucksters selling you a ray-gun-proof magic hat.

Hear that Ann Wagner?

Here is a link to the full article: The Aliens Have Landed