Trump has a dangerous disability – George Will Washington Post Editorial

There are very few issues that I agree with George Will on.  However, he is spot on this time.  The opening sentences sums it up perfectly :

“It is urgent for Americans to think and speak clearly about President Trump’s inability to do either.”

I have so many issues with Effingham Trump that the list begins to become infinite.  Three significant ones are his inarticulateness, his shallow intellectual depth (I once commented he had the intellectual depth of a sewer lagoon), and total lack of a sense of history and what truly means to lead a democratic nation of free citizens.

Another thing that has bothered me about Trump is how he seems to have embraced Andrew Jackson  Jackson was wildly popular in his time, but in retrospect he was not a good man.  He practiced genocide on the native population, he was a huge slave owner and racist, and a proponent of expansion of the country by  military means.

Mr. Will has the my  same concerns about Effingham Trump.  Below is a link to his editorial in the Washington Post:

Trump has a dangerous disability – George Will Washington Post Editorial

Take George Washington Off the One Dollar Bill

I believe it is time to remove George Washington from the quarter coin and the one dollar bill. While we are about it, I think we need to tear down the Washington george-washington-one-dollar-billmonument. The monument, besides glorifying this man, is unabashedly phallic.

I suppose it would not be out of bounds for you to ask me why I have come to this conclusion. Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson are considered the founders of the Democratic Party. Jefferson-Jackson Day is a Democratic Party fundraising tradition across our country. The Missouri Democratic Party has decided to change the name of it biggest fund raiser from the Jefferson-Jackson Dinner to the Harry S. Truman Dinner.

Let’s parse this for moment.

The objection expressed during the local NPR news story was that Jefferson and Jackson both were slave owners.   Nearly 30 percent of our presidents have been slave owners, a total of 12 of the 44 individuals. Of the first 18 presidents, 13 owned slaves. This is not an attempt to excuse, but we are all a result of the time and place our lives pass through. Norms also change with time and place. Continue reading “Take George Washington Off the One Dollar Bill”