Gun Death Statistics to Ruminate On

One of the 3.141592 regular readers of my blog, upon reading Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #7,420 that dealt with the Spanish word for mass shootings, tiroteo, commented that the number of gun deaths in the USA roughly corresponds to an Oklahoma City bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building every two days.  In that terrorist attack, 168 folks were lost, including 19 children.  Of course, this started me thinking once again about gun death statistics in the USA.

Some Quick Hitting Facts

According to the page on gun deaths on the web site for the National Safety Council: Continue reading “Gun Death Statistics to Ruminate On”

Active Shooter Drill

I believe the world has gone absolutely, totally off its Effingham rocker.  Today at my workplace which is on the 7th floor of the tallest building in downtown St. Louis we had an active shooter drill.  I understand why the company may have felt the need to do this in today’s environment.  Plus I believe that since one of our primary activities is public transportation, they felt like we might be especially liable to such incidents.  I don’t know maybe.

The way they handled this was to have small meetings before appraising of us of the fact that we were going to have the drill.  They then went over what our responses should be.  Basically it was a fire drill type of situation.  If you can you are supposed to flee. In a non drill situation, if you could not flee then you need to hide. If you cannot hide then, and only then, do you fight with whatever is at hand.

They posted signs at all entrances Monday morning informing us there would the drill this week.  For drill they had St. Louis police there, paramedics, and counselors were to be available afterwards if anyone felt the need for one. Continue reading “Active Shooter Drill”