Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #2,754

yeah I know you did not ask!

I was returning home from a Wally World run when I ended up behind a pickup at a long traffic light.  Well pickup is not quite the right description.  It was a reasonably new 4×4 pickup jacked up to stratospheric levels, sporting 4 massive tires that extended at least a zip code from the side of the vehicle, and so pimped out I did not know where to focus my gaze.

I was feeling a bit snobbish, well actually more than a little judgmental about such a ride, when I noticed that my dream car, a Porsche 911 Carrera, was in the next lane beside the tricked out 4×4.

It dawned on me that both were forms of conspicuous consumption expressed in different fashions.

I sometimes wonder where the control is for whatever mental function it is that causes me to be so judgmental. Of course at this point in my life it is so rusted from lack of use as to be inoperative.

And so it goes.