Change Needed in Missouri’s 2nd Congressional District


I wrote this blog post a while ago.  Since then I have attempted to contact Mr. Lieber via his website some 2 or 3 weeks ago. So far there has been no response.

If I was trying to run a grass roots campaign by not accepting money, I would be responding to every possible citizen interest that came my way.

What I concluded by this is the Democratic machine does not feel that they have a breathe of a chance to win against Ann “Climate Change Denier” Wagner.  Therefore they are not putting any resources into the race and Mr. Lieber is, for lack of a better phrase, the sacrificial lamb.

There is a reason that I do not claim to be a Democrat, but an anti-Republican.  How sad it is that our politics and our future in the hands of these two corporate owned parties.  If the Democrats were truly a party of the people they would be putting up a fight against the horrendous legislator that is Ann Wagner.

Missouri’s 2nd Congressional District is in the part of St. Louis County known as West County.  It is 90% white and 60% Republican. The average household income ($71,141) is approximately 35% higher than the national average of $52,762.  Home ownership is 78% with a median home value of $209,200 versus the Missouri wide median value of $138,900.

To call this district conservative is an understatement.  They sent Todd   “Legitimate Rape” Akins to Congress 6 times.  They followed that up with Ann “Climate Change Denier” Wagner.  Continue reading “Change Needed in Missouri’s 2nd Congressional District”