Fanny Farmer’s Whole-Egg Mayonnaise (Blender Mayonnaise)

This easy blender mayonnaise recipealso can be made with electric beaters. Fanny Farmer Cookbook


  1. 1 egg
  2. ½ teaspoon dry mustard
  3. ½ teaspoon salt
  4. 2 tablespoons lemon juice or vinegar
  5. 1½ cups olive or other oil *
  1. Put the egg, seasonings and ¼ cup oil in the blender and whirl until well mixed (20 to 30 seconds).
  2. Pour in the rest of the oil in a steady stream. Stop as soon as the emulsion is smoothly blended.

This recipe is from The Fannie Farmer Cookbook

* The olive oil makes for a very strong flavor… try regular oil for a milder more traditional tasting mayonnaise.  Rev. Joe Dirt

Now I can get free range organic eggs and have my mayonnaise… woo woo!   When Robin made some homemade mayo, I was blown away by how much better it was than the stuff in jars I have been getting for years.  Not sure if this is her recipe, but close.


It’s the Journey, Not the Destination

I don’t totally agree with this blog posting from the New York Times, but parts of it make a lot of sense.  Or at least give you something to think about.

I know that I am not athletic.  I know that I am not musical. I do know that I can improve my sports performance in some areas by practice.   I doubt I could ever improve enough to be in even the minor leagues of any sport.  I can just about guarantee you that if I had practiced everyday from childhood to now; I would not be wowing anyone with my musical ability.

I do know that I have gotten much better at writing computer programs and solving the related problems. Continue reading “It’s the Journey, Not the Destination”

Objective should be to make the U.S. self-sufficient in marijuana

marijuana-leafHere is the link to the article in the Wall Street Journal Saving Mexico

I’m not a big fan of drugs.  I’ve seen them ruin too many lives.  I’m also not a big fan of keeping drugs illegal.  That is also wrecking too many lives.  Add to that the amount of energy and resources being wasted enforcing the  criminalization  and it equals crazy.  The energy/resources could be better used elsewhere.  

We tried alcohol prohibition and that did not work. It created vast criminal enterprises.  It is the same with drugs.  I appreciate that there is a moral argument here.  Continue reading “Objective should be to make the U.S. self-sufficient in marijuana”

Irony at One Police Plaza

The Merriam and Webster dictionary gives several definitions for irony, but the following definition works for the ensuing anecdotes.  Irony – 1): incongruity between the actual result of a sequence of events and the normal or expected result (2): an event or result marked by such incongruity. 

Recently I had to go to downtown Memphis to One Police Plaza, not its real appellation, but perhaps it should be.  Part of the complex is 12 stories high, but the overall impression is one of a gray depressing bunker.  Continue reading “Irony at One Police Plaza”

An immigrant’s view on immigration

An Indian co-worker of mine who shall remain anonymous sent me the following which he titled a “rant”.  Whether you agree or not it makes interesting reading. 

An American colleague at work was telling me the other day that it would probably take ages for me to get a green card – if I do get it.  Coz there are so many Indians, Chinese, and other Asians in the queue. That it is causing a “jam” at the immigration department. He is right – of course. And I understand the problem.

And it bothers me a lot. Continue reading “An immigrant’s view on immigration”