Support of Trump is a Litmus Test

Rightly or wrongly voting for or supporting Trump has become a litmus test for me. In an attempt to articulate my arbitrary position I have come up with the following reasons:

  1. If you voted for Trump you are possibly intellectually challenged. I deal with enough mentally deficient people, I do not need another one in the hopper.
  2. If you voted for Trump simply because he was the Republican candidate and you always vote Republican, or you did not want to split your ballot, then you are lacking in key critical thinking skills. See number 1.
  3. If on the other hand you have a reasonable level of intelligence and still voted for Trump then you have a twisted world view. And I am sure it is a world view I do not care to associate with.
  4. And finally if you voted for Trump because you thought it would be entertaining to have a narcissistic reality TV star in the White House… I only have a string of malas palabras for you.

In past elections I could at least see where there were some basic philosophical differences that would cause us to vote differently.  That is how is should be, that is why we have elections.  However, this election resulted in putting a thug in the White House.  There was a stark difference in an America for the people versus an America for Trump’s ego.  And if you are responsible for enabling that egomaniac, do not expect to see a Christmas card from me.

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