Sexy Defined

Another story for the grandkids…about grandkids. 

When my son was around 3 or so we were all at my mother’s house for dinner.   My mother is very strict about manners and all the grandkids knew that unquestionably.  They all tried their darnedest (at least at that point in their young lives) to avoid a run in with Grandma about manners.  My son burps, and we all look at him expecting an “excuse me”.   He looks back at us and says, “It was the burp bird in my pocket.”  What you do after that?  

We did not know it then, but that incidence was a good foreshadowing of my son’s future personality. 

Fast forward 30 some odd years, and my son has a family with kids nine and under.  He is still burping.   Except now he has developed a habit of occasionally saying after his eructations, “I’m so sexy.”   Kids being kids, they occasionally mimic my son.

My son and his family were visiting recently.  We had all piled into one vehicle to head off to a fun activity.  My son lets go with a good solid burp, followed by his patented phrase, “I’m so sexy.” 

I ask the first grandkid what sexy meant.  There is a blank look on their face and no answer forthcoming.  I ask the other grandchild, and while I did not receive a blank look, there was hemming and hawing without an answer.  Suddenly the third child who is visiting with the grandkids pipes up, “Sexy is Bo and Tammy’s cat.” 

So now you know.

One Reply to “Sexy Defined”

  1. My step brother worked construction for a living. My kids were young and boys. This is a bad equation from the start. One day Uncle Kenny stood up and shook his leg for a minute and when there was an certain smell in the air. My boys were fascinated and asked about it. He told them that he had a barking spider in his pants. He stood up and shook it out and when he stepped on it, it turned into gas that smelled bad. They went around for hours trying to find another barking spider.

    Later I explained it. From then on when they passed gas, they announced that they had stepped on a barking spider.

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