Seinfeld Revisited

In the building where I work there is a gym on the ninth floor.  It is not a big gym and the locker rooms are tight.  You go down a hallway, and if you go through the door on the left it is the ladies’ locker room.  If you go through the door on the right it is the men’s locker room.

Twice now it has so happened that as I was changing a female has walked through the wrong door into the wrong locker room.  First time it happened it was a young lady who works at the same company I work at.  For a month afterwards, I could not look her in the face.

It happened again last week.  I was standing there in nothing but my shirt preparing to put on my running shorts.  A young woman walks in, and she suddenly gets a very perplexed look on her face.  I say, “Excuse me.”  The look becomes that of a deer in the headlamps, and she wanders out.

When I have been telling this story I have been changing my comment from “excuse me” to “you realize, of course, that it is very cold in here.”  I generally preface my telling of this story by reminding folks of the Seinfeld episode where George is changing and a woman walks in on him.  It is affectionately known as the “shrinkage” episode.

This proves two things.  First, and foremost I usually think of something better to say much after the fact.  Secondly, that I like to embellish the little trials and tribulations of my life.

I’ve been thinking what else could I have said to the young lady, or perhaps more realistically, embellished my story with. Of course, self-effacing humor seems to be one of my go to gambits.

The obvious one is, “Take a picture; it lasts longer (than I do).”

Or perhaps, “It is a grower, not a shower!”

That is all I have come up with so far, any suggestions?

Here is a link to a YouTube video of  a clip of the Seinfeld episode, it is still very funny: The Shrinkage

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