Save the paragraph

paragraphI am starting a campaign to save the paragraph. I may get bumper stickers printed up.

Email and other electronic forms of instant communication have done much to butcher and change written communication. One of these is the loss of the paragraph in such writings.

For me, at least, it makes some of these hard to read when they run for 100s of words without a pause or logically grouping thoughts.


8 Replies to “Save the paragraph”

  1. Also, let’s save grammar!
    And manners! I do not want to hear your cell conversation when I’m out to dinner, or at the movies, or most other times. If you are that important and busy, please stay home.

  2. I will support ANY “Save Grammar” campaign.
    I can’t stand kids these days who use emoticons, SMS-speak, type with their thumbs – yeah that is right BOTH their thumbs; and I bemoan the lost art of punctuation.

    I had a dream – or nightmare depending on your point of view – the other night. It was 100 years into the future. Human kids did not know how to write with their hands. But all of them had giant freakishly enlarged thumbs with which they typed on Gadgets that respond to them with – DON’T PANIC.

    Now everyone get off my damn lawn……


  3. Long time ago, I read a sci-fi story about two nations (two worlds???) that had been in prepetual war with each other. The computers of each side were waging the war, and effectively it was a draw with no one quitting.

    Then one side came up with a secret weapon. A non-computer entity (human) that could do the needed calculations using a PENCIL and PAPER.

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