Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #6,833

yeah I know you did not ask!

My bride, Robin, has a minor hobby.  She likes to go to estate sales, not often, she may average a little more than once a month.  She frequently buys nothing, or perhaps some little gewgaw.  Once in a great while she will find a real bargain. She invariably goes on Sunday when everything is half priced, but has been picked over. She really seems to enjoy the hunt.

Perhaps once or twice a year she manages to talk me into going with her.  When I go I am mainly looking for books of classical literature or history, maybe fishing gear.  Once I did find an nice erotic painting that is now hanging in our bedroom.  My main problem with going to estate sales is that they absolutely depress the hell out of me.  I will unfailingly find myself muttering as we leave, “You are born, you live, you die, and in the end strangers pick through your shit for pennies on the dollar.

One Reply to “Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #6,833”

  1. I kinda like to keep the past alive by going through these sales. Found me a cool ceramic turtle today that makes music.

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