Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #4,906

yeah I know you did not ask!

I realized a long time ago that for most of the big questions of life I would never have a good answer to or for… I’m okay with that.  I’ve accepted that big portions of this existence are just a mystery, and the best thing to do is accept it as so and live your life.

BUT – There is one thing I do want to know the answer to – Where the hell do socks go to, how is that I end up with so many un-mated socks?

2 Replies to “Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #4,906”

  1. Maybe your socks want to be gender neutral and you’re trying to force them to conform? 😉

    Seriously though, several years ago I switched to two kinds of socks. One for winter, one for summer. I have many pairs, but since they are all the same, I never know if I’m missing any. I don’t fold them, and never GASP, fold them (hate that!). I just drop them by the handful into the drawer where they happily coexist. Now, if the winters and summers ever gang up on me, I’m in trouble.

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