Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #4,530

yeah I know you did not ask!

I wish I could say this was original with me, but it is not.  But is still a good practice.

Most folks think the 3 most important words in a long term relationship (especially when you live together) are, “I love you.”  It was this person’s contention which I wholeheartedly agree with that the 3 most important words are, “Let it go.” I suppose you could substitute, “No big deal” or “this will pass” or “let it be” or any number of other phrases.  The thought being is don’t sweat the small stuff and give each other some latitude to be their self.

My wife the other day said to me, “We’re so different.”  At the time I was making some tea for us.  The package instructions say to steep for 4 to 5 minutes.  To me the tea is bitter if the bag is left in there too long.  I had set the kitchen time to 4 minutes and was waiting for it to ding before I removed the tea bags.  Setting the timer is something she would never have done. The analogy is that she is an artist and I am a draftsman.  I like my lines precise. I could have been upset at her seemingly mocking my precision, but hey… let it go.

Since I had heard/read this I have used it multiple times.

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