Rev. Joe’s Random Thought # 4,234

…yeah I know you did not ask!

Life is purposeless.  Life just is.  Anyone beyond scrambling daily to just meet their existence needs knows this at some level.  Most folks do not acknowledge it.  Perhaps this is actually the healthier response, to remain somewhat delusional.  However it is this unacknowledged comprehension that drives so much of human behavior.  The mass psychoses that are the various religions stem from this.  The fanaticism of the sports aficionado is a symptom of this.  You can add anything that pretends to provide or reveal purpose to life. Being a creative species we have concocted many.

The question becomes what happens when this purposelessness is acknowledged.  An argument could be made that this is a possible cause of depression, addiction, and a varied list of maladaptive behaviors.

The more I dwell on it, the only sane response when you are aware enough to acknowledge that life is without purpose is to live in the moment, to just be.  Another possible response when you accept this is to provide your own purpose realizing that ultimately your purpose is an ephemeroptera.

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