Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #2,228

yeah I know you did not ask!

If you have been watching any TV lately you may have noticed there are a plethora of ads promoting how much various companies care about us in these troubling times.  They are touting how they have been here for us, are here for us now, will be there for us after the crisis has passed.

If they really care about us and this country they can do two things right now that would have a huge impact on the quality of life in this country.

First, they can stop advertising on Fox News.  This network’s goal is to push America to the absolute lowest common denominator.  They seem to be succeeding extraordinarily well at this. Fox News is without question a propaganda machine that does not have the best interest of this country at heart.

Secondly, the companies and the executives of these corporations should stop immediately giving money to the GOP.  I cannot figure out if the goal of the GOP is the elimination of our democracy or the creation of a Corpocracy,  Well…actually it is both.

Barring these corporations suddenly finding a moral compass, perhaps we should stop doing business with any company that advertises on Fox News.

Yeah, I know, I’m dreaming again.

One Reply to “Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #2,228”

  1. Free Enterprise isn’t as free as we are led to believe. The major cost is to our national unity, and most important, our collective intelligence.

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