Respect for the Office of POTUS

I do not think Obama was a great President, but I do think he was a good President. I do believe that if we had not had a Republican congress hell bent on creating a shit-hole of a banana republic out of this country for their rich sponsors, he might have been a great President.  He was a bit of a disappointment to me as a progressive as he listened to the military much too much, and I found him to be somewhat conservative.  20 or 25 years ago, his policies would have been Republican policies.

In my opinion, Obama caught more than his fair share of abuse simply due to color of his skin.  There is a large segment of the population of this country that was outraged that a mixed race man should hold the highest office in the land.

I spent 8 years arguing that if you could not respect the man you should respect the office.  I did not have a whole lot of takers on this.

Fast forward, to the era of  EffinghamTrump.   I have zero respect for this man.  I’ve been trying to remind myself of what I was saying to folks that were insanely denigrating Obama about respecting the office. However, I think I have come to a conclusion. Effingham Trump does not respect the office of President of the United States.  He certainly has zero respect for his predecessor and expresses this over and over.   Given just those two things, I do not feel it is incumbent on me to respect the office of the President of the United States while Effingham Trump occupies it.

Que triste.

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