Religious Folks and Donald J. Trump

I am going to preface this article by saying I truly want to know that the answer is.

It is something I have pondered on, and I have a few theories.  However, not being a religious person I am truly perplexed by the religious rights and evangelicals in particular support of the Donald J. Trump.  It is something that I just cannot get my mind around.

I don’t want to poison the well too much with comments about the current occupant of the White House.  Suffice it to say that anybody who has talked more than 3 seconds of politics with me knows that my opinion of  Trump cannot get any lower.

Part of what perplexes me so much is that this man is not truly religious.  Compared to him I am the Pope and Billy Graham rolled into one, and I am a devout agnostic.   IMHO Trump lacks ethics, morals, and cares for nothing except enriching himself.  In a sane world he would be in  jail.

So would someone out there please explain to me in simple terms why as a religious person you support Donald J. Trump.  I’m not wanting to get in a debate with anyone, that is not my purpose, but I am trying to understand what to me is a paradox.

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3 Replies to “Religious Folks and Donald J. Trump”

  1. I am a political agnostic. I will vote on local and state levels. John 13:35 ” By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” I see the outward example of my faith is unconditional Love for all people. My serenity prayer has a line that says, Taking as Jesus did this sinful world as it is not as I would have it trusting that you (Jesus) will make all things right if I surrender to your will.
    If a person claims to be a follower of Jesus and doesn’t outwardly show Love for others. then that person is still in a spiritual struggle. And…. if you do what you have always done don’t be surprised if you get what you have always have gotten in return.

  2. As far as your question directed towards the “religious folks”, I can’t help you there as I am not religious. If you ask me what I am then I would say I am a Christian who has Faith in the person Jesus Christ who is also described as God Incarnate. There and there alone is where I am at. Politics will be what politics are. By God’s Sovereign Will the Church has thrived under the many and varied political structures around the world throughout history. It will ultimately culminate in the Second Advent of the Son of God.

    May I recommend a former medical doctor turned preacher with a keen logical mind whose exposition of the Word is thorough and compelling. Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones preached at Westminster Chapel from the WW II to the mid-1960’s. His family has digitized his sermons and made them available on this website It has transformed my understanding of the Gospel.


  3. Not religious but was a cradle Catholic until late 30’s. The only thing that explains the evangelical infatuation with tRUmp is white supremacy. The most segregated hours in our weeks are on Sundays. (Paraphrased from James Baldwin.) If all Christians truly worshipped the deity that supposedly came here about 2k yrs ago, then they would follow the commandment: “Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.”

    But I don’t see it happening.

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