Race on Census Forms Starting 1790

To state the obvious, race continues to be fractious subject in this country and worldwide.  It has all too often in history, including recent history, morphed into a reason for genocide. In my conversations with folks in Central and South America,  I find interesting their perplexity with how racist a country the United States is.  They  tend not see skin color as a reason to exclude, minimize or even hate another person… then I think of the history of many of these countries and how they have mistreated their indigenous populations and continue to mistreat them. And racism becomes a story without end.

I forget what I was reading or listening to, but whatever it was, it claimed that Jews and Italians were not considered “white” until very recently.  So to Google I went to research that statement a bit.  I stumbled across this Pew Research article listing the race question on all census forms since 1790.  I found it interesting.

What Census Calls Us


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