Quote of the Day – Heather Cox Richardson

As I try to cover the news tonight, I am struck by how completely the Republican Party, which began in the 1850s as a noble endeavor to keep the United States government intact and to rebuild it to work for ordinary people, has devolved into a group of chaos agents feeding voters a fantasy world.” ~~ Heather Cox Richardson from Letters from an American

Normally I let the quotes speak for themselves, but I feel a few comments are in order. Heather Cox Richardson is a History professor at Boston College, author of several books, and the above quote is from her newsletter,Letters from an American .  She writes this newsletter, more or less daily, with the frequent goal of tying current events into historic trends or using history to explain current events.

I would have to second her statement about the Republican Party.  I have never really agreed with the GOP, but  in the past I, at least, respected it as a legitimate political player working, more or less, for the good of the United States.

I am not sure what the current iteration of the GOP stands for except anti-abortion and treating guns like some sort of protected religious fetish. Fetish here probably works in both senses of the word.

Both positions are cynical beyond description.  Most GOP politicians are simply not that religious.  They are anti-abortion to attract the votes of the super conservative religious rights who are frequently one issue voters.  Protecting “gun rights” is all about campaign donations, no matter the absolute carnage their position is enacting on this country.

If they have a concrete position on anything else I am clueless.  Perhaps “America First”, but their stance on that is so nebulous as to be undefinable.

And that my friends is my two cents worth of…

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One Reply to “Quote of the Day – Heather Cox Richardson”

  1. Her recitation of what Nixon’s adviser(s) said back in the day was new information to this reader. Emotions, not facts.

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