Quote About Masks

I don’t like wearing masks.

Do I wear masks, hell yes.  Why?  First because I do not want to get COVID.  I am vaccinated, but I could still contract or carry COVID. Secondly, I want to protect other people, even those do not think they need protecting or want to be protected.  Thirdly, I am trying to make a statement about what is the right thing to do.

In this week’s edition of the local free alternative newspaper, Riverfront Times,  there is a quote about masks that I absolutely love:

Masks are a metaphor for selflessness. During a pandemic they should be a symbol of community and national sense of duty, much like rationing was at the outbreak of World War II.  ~~ Editorial by Ray Hartman, Faisal Khan’s Well-Aimed Middle Finger

Absolutely, freaking YES!!!

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