Presidential Candidates

Rick Perry –Do we really want a President who wants to eliminate Federal agencies, and cannot even remember the names of the agencies he wants to axe?  This is the same man who believes global warming/climate change to be a myth and we should not be addressing the issue.  I want a President with intelligence who does not believe in fairy tales.

Herman Cain – He keeps repeating that we need a businessman in the White House.  Pardon me, but was it not business that has gotten us into this current economic morass? There are multiple allegations of sexual harassment of women by Mr. Cain.  I tend to think where there is this much smoke, there must be fire.  Do we really want a President that does not respect women anymore than this?  It is one thing to be a cad like Clinton.  It is quite another thing to attempt to force trading sexual favors for a job.  We need a President with a moral center.

Michele Bachman – All I can say is that she lives in a delusional world.

Ron Paul – The America that this man envisions is not an America I want to live in.  His lower taxes, less spending, smaller government are essentially a boon for the wealthy.  The 99% of us would be left out.  Pray in school, well it just scares the hell out of me.  Tyranny by the Christian majority is still tyranny.  They can practice their religion without imposing it on everyone.   Here is another leader who believes climate change to not be a problem.  I could go on and on about so many of his ultra-conservative positions that are not pro common man, but you can read them for yourself.   Political Positions of Ron Paul

Mitt Romney – Mr. Flip Flop.  This man wants to be President so badly he will say anything that he thinks the Republican base wants to hear.  A person at his stage of life should have thought through most of the big issues and come to conclusions. This is especially so if he wants to be President of the United States.  I do not want someone so rigid that they cannot change or consider other points of view.   I do still want someone with the courage of their convictions.  Sadly, he is the best of a sorry Republican fruit basket.

Barack Obama – Read my blog.  As far as I am concerned he is a wolf in sheep’s clothing, and bought and paid for by big business.  Sadly again, he is still better than any of the Republican candidates.

While there are more candidates, these are probably the ones with the best chance of becoming our next President.

There is something so wrong about selecting an individual to lead our country because they are the “least” bad.  We need a leader we can rally behind, and who has the interest of the common man in mind.  We should not have a government of the corporations, for the corporations, and most importantly by the corporations.  It is past  time to take our nation back.

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