Pit Bull Owners

On the back of some whomping big SUV, all across the back window was this:   If it ain’t PIT (then a outline drawing of a pit bull’s head)  It ain’t SHIT.

Rightly or wrongly pit bulls have been maligned.  I really do not understand why anyone would want one.  It is not my idea of a good pet.  Most of the stories you read or hear about dogs attacking/killing humans are pit bulls.

The bill board on the back of this vehicle pretty details the attitude of the owners of animals, in your face and not caring about other folks.  I am hoping it was the husband’s vehicle, because there was a sweet young thing driving it.   Sad part is it had Arkansas tags.  I do not see this sort of thing as helping the state’s image, which is already not the best.

2 Replies to “Pit Bull Owners”

  1. It’s not the breed, it’s the breeding. They are great dogs when man does not breed for the wrong characteristics.

  2. I totally agree Lorie. I have actually had a few pit bulls in the past, hell I even had one that thought she was a cat (using the litter box and all). People need to just realize just about any dog can be vicious if raised to be that way.

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