Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #2,350

yeah I know you did not ask!

You should so be blessed – well cursed at times actually – with a mind such as mine, making all these weird connections between my rumored neurons. Just be thankful that I do not share all of my random thoughts.

Given the prevalence of the Irish curse on both sides of my family, I work very hard to monitor my drinking.  I am prone to a nightcap a few nights a week, and if we are socializing or partying I will have a few. I do this if for no other reason than the hangovers hurt like hell at my advanced age, plus it is not really how I want to live my life — in an altered state of mind.  We won’t even mention the havoc excessive alcohol consumption could have on your body.

HOWEVER, given the way this election cycle is going, I may violate my personal mandate and start drinking early election night, November 5th.  If tRump comes out the winner, I mostly likely will not stop until the next century. I cannot imagine living in a world that tRump and the Republicans with their 2025 agenda and bellying up to dictators will fashion.

May Shiva save us all.

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Señor KFC

A few days ago I posted a blog article entitled: Gone to the dogs… The point of the article was that I was sitting in my recliner and had become covered up by canines as I was trying to read. I gave into the situation and closed my eyes for a bit. Señora took a picture of me and the dogs which you can see in the above referenced article.

One of the interesting facets of being older is that when I Iook in the mirror – which I try to avoid as much as possible these days – I see a man with blonde hair and a white moustache.  However, when I see a picture of myself it all looks very white.

I shared the picture in the article with a couple of my Spanish tutors.  One of whom responded with:

que bonita foto
con tus perrhijos
en esa foto te pareces un poco al señor KFC

Of course, señor KFC would be Continue reading “Señor KFC”

Robert Reich: Kamala Harris in 90 Seconds

Robert Reich: Kamala Harris in 90 Seconds (well… a little more than 90 seconds)

IMHO, it is a very clear choice this election cycle, fascism and theocracy with tRump and Vance, or two genuinely good folks in Harris and Walz whom are running for office with service in mind as opposed to tRump’s need to self-aggrandize. And then there is Vance, ambition for ambition’s sake and a need to force his Draconian wrong-headed values on the rest of us.

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Early Voting

Not sure what this portends in this obscenely deep red state of Missouri, but this is the line for early voting at a library close to our house.  Missouri opened no excuse early voting starting October 22 and continues right up the day before election day, November 5th. From everything I have been reading, it is a very popular.  This picture was taken on Friday, October 25th around 10:30 in the morning.

The line once inside the library was two or three times as long as the line outside as they had us snaking around like we were in an airport TSA line. All in all though, it went smoothly.  From the time I parked my truck — we had to walk a ways back to the library — it took us an hour to vote.

Just as an aside, one thing I do not like about Missouri elections is Continue reading “Early Voting”

Gone to the dogs…

We swap dog sitting with some friends of ours who have two dogs more or less the same size as Prancess Lily.  The Siskestons have gone to Seattle for a week so their cute canine critters are here right now — sorry, I love alliteration.

Yesterday evening I was sitting in my recliner in my office / man cave attempting to read a couple chapters of a novel in Spanish, Yo no soy tu perfecta hija mexicana. As I was doing so, Luna, Zeeba and Prancess Lily, all three decided to pile in the chair with me, creating a ménage-à-chienne.

I gave into the situation, and decided to close my eyes for a few minutes… I seem to be napping more frequently these days. Señora saw my pecado and decided to take a picture.  Apparently, Zeeba had vacated the ménage before Señora could find her phone and snap a picture.

Reminds me of one my favorite groups from the 60s and 70s, Three Dog Night.  I have definitely gone to the dogs.

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Praying For Armageddon

This documentary,  Praying For Armageddon, is from the BBC and is about American Evangelicals and their support of Israel. Even though I knew most of what was presented in this documentary, I found it absolutely chilling, as well as very depressing. This video describes how American Evangelicals are willing and hopeful of fomenting discord to the point of global war to bring about their long awaited Armageddon. It is an extremely scary world view.

(My origin link to a single video of the complete documentary had a forced take down due to copyright issues… maybe these will stay up)

The milieu that I grew up in was Southern Baptist, although with us moving around so much, it was an on again, off again, immersion. My favorite uncle, whom I loved very much, was a Southern Baptist minister.  I passed two summers in his household as teenager as I was having so many problems at home.  I think the hope was that it might reattach my shaky rudder, which it did to some extent.

While my uncle was gracious about it, I just could Continue reading “Praying For Armageddon”

Quote of the Day – Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Quote of the Day… not actually daily, but whenever I encounter one I think worth sharing and there are not too many in sequence.  I like quotes as they frequently distill a piece of wisdom into a brief passage, or make other points very succinctly – such as the witticisms of Oscar Wilde.

“We have not come this far without a struggle and I assure you we cannot go further without a struggle. We know now that government by organized money is just as dangerous as government by organized mob. ” ~~Franklin Delano Roosevelt during a campaign speech… which, though given 88 years ago in the Garden on 31 October 1936, rings remarkably contemporary, a speech for “the restoration of American democracy” and its “preservation”.

For an interesting read on the parallels of Trump and Adolph Hitler check out The Guardian article: A week before the election, Trump will hold his most unsettling spectacle yet

To see more Quotes for Day, visit this link: Quotes for the Day

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