Red Heads and Lime Green VWs

When I think of  my Aunt Gayle I think of a big, lop-sided smile and red hair.  Her hair had been many colors through her life, but mostly it was red.  Folks who knew her called her a lady.  She always presented herself perfectly coiffed and perfectly dressed.  Her manners were in the same mode, but she was as earthy as my father was prudish.  I say earthy, but more in a matter of fact Mother Nature sort of way.  It was a refreshing combination.

Her online handle was Sewing Mama.   She had always sewn, but in the later part of her life she discovered quilting.   She was very good at it, and was widely acknowledged as being so.  She obviously enjoyed the process and the recognition. Continue reading “Red Heads and Lime Green VWs”

Wealth Distribution in USA

Wealth Distribution in the USA - 2003

Just in case you cannot read the graph which is data on wealth distribution in the USA from 2003.
The top 1% have 25% of the wealth in the USA
The top 5% have 50.7%
The top 10% have 62.9%.
That leaves 90% of us fighting over 37.1% of the pie.
The only country with a worse mal-distribution of wealth is Mexico.


“Wealth is a person’s net worth, expressed as:

wealth  = assets  – liabilities

The word “wealth” is often confused with “income”. These two terms describe different but related things.”

“A study by the World Institute for Development Economics Research at United Nations University reports that the richest 1% of adults alone owned 40% of global assets in the year 2000, and that the richest 10% of adults accounted for 85% of the world total. The bottom half of the world adult population owned barely 1% of global wealth… Moreover, another study found that the richest 2% own more than half of global household assets.”

Source for above –

As Shakespeare so nicely put it, “There is something rotten in Denmark.”

Since you landed on this page this is an issue that probably concerns you.  Question is now what are you going to do about it?

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It must be the onset of senility.  I could not remember which way I put the toilet paper on the roller. Do I put in on so it comes over the top, or do I pull from the bottom? In my frustration I just tossed the roll onto the floor. Now the Charmin’ sits on the tiles and mocks me with squeezable soft whispers of, “Geezer…Geezer 

U.S. expands H-1B fraud case against IT services firm

Gee whiz, what a surprise!

“The indictment charges that the methods used by Vision Systems “have substantially deprived U.S. citizens of employment.”

Link to article below:

U.S. expands H-1B fraud case against IT services firm

I was working at a Fortune 500 financial company.  My consulting firm stop sending over folks as they were paying Indian H1-B workers $20 – $25 an hour less than old consultants were receiving.  Guess whose contract was cut short.  Apparently they had an arrangement to bring over these young workers with a firm in Indian.  No proof, but that was the general supposition.

The 3 Abrahamic religions explained

This is one of the best succinct explanations that I have seen.

It is from this blog   DJ Allyn – The Soundtrack for my Life

The following is an accurate Description of the three Abrahamic Religions:

There are three major religions in this world — Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.  All of them worshiping the same God — the God of Abraham.

Each has their own religious book that outlines their story, their history, and rules to live by.

Think of each of them like a movie.  The Torah is the first one, and the New Testament is the sequel.  Then the Qu’ran comes out, and it reconstructs the last one like it never happened.  there is still Jesus, but he is not the main character any more, and the messiah hasn’t shown up yet.

Jews like the first movie but ignore the sequels, (Matrix Trilogy) Christians think you need to watch the first two but the third movie doesn’t count. (The Godfather Trilogy) Muslims think the third one was the best (The Starwar prequels), and Mormons like the second one so much that they started writing fan fiction that doesn’t fit with ANY of the series canon.


Of course, the author of this seems to have forgotten Hinduism and Buddhism which are also major world religions, but they do come from a different movie studio.

Links on H-1B Issue

As I find them I am going to add links about the H-1B / outsourcing issue that  is quickly eroding the life style of  middle class worker in this country.  All in the name of profit at any cost.