The Art of Racing in the Rain

The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein available at

Book Review by Sister Lorie

artracingrainI’m not sure how this book came to my attention, it’s not my usual read.  It’s told from the point of view of , Enzo, an aging dog as he recounts his doggie life.  He is a dog philosopher and expounds on his view of humanity and our views.  He is frustrated with his lack of anatomical ability to communicate to his humans and is left with doggie drool and gestures. 

I don’t want this to be a spoiler, so let me just say this.  Anyone who has been emotionally attached to a dog or thought that the dog has understood a conversation will love this book.  I found myself laughing out loud at Enzo’s take on the owners in-laws and his way of letting them know he didn’t care for them.  The end is touching and puts in words what I have long suspected.  Great read if you have or have had a dog.  If you don’t have a dog, this book may give you the desire to spend time with one of creation’s best creatures.


Movie Review by Sister Lorie

avatar_poster5_imaxYou can’t miss the trailers and commercials, so you know the drill. Ten foot tall blue folks don’t like it when humans invade and want to strip mine their world. Evil humans don’t care; they just want the goods. Sounds like ‘Dances With Wolves’ in space. Maybe so, but there is no new story, only new applications of stories. With that said, I liked it. I liked the wonder of a place that was like no other. Animals that were similar enough and different enough at the same time. The wonder of a damaged human who discovers his soul.

Now for the presentation. This movie is what 3-d should have been all along. I found myself wanting to swipe at the ‘floating things’ that got too close to my face. The detail is amazing. I didn’t find anything to nit-pick in the more than 2.5 hours I sat stone still. Ok, maybe a quick intermission for a pit stop would have been useful.

This is a must see in 3-d, don’t be cheap.

Health Care System Forces Bad Decisions

Some of us get to the fork in the road, see the sign that advises that the bridge is out ahead, and take that fork anyway.  All of us make some bad choices or decisions.  Some of us make more than others.

My brother has probably made more than many.  One of those was to continue smoking in the face of all the evidence of its harmfulness.  Another was choosing to work jobs that did not require urinalysis as part of the employment screening process.

Don’t get me wrong,  my brother is a hard worker.  He is a conscientious worker, and he prides himself in doing a good job.  He does not partake of substances illegal or otherwise during working hours.  Continue reading “Health Care System Forces Bad Decisions”

How different are dog fighting and football

A recent article in The New Yorker, Offensive Play How different are dog fighting and football? By Malcolm Gladwell, explores the effect of extreme contact sports like football and boxing on the human brain.

For an American male, I’m a bit of an anomaly.  I do not really follow sports, except professional golf mildly.  There are several reasons for this.
One would be that for me personally sports are more for the doing rather than the watching.  I engage in several at a fairly incompetent level, but I enjoy them nevertheless.
Secondly, a while back, I just got bored with them.  Continue reading “How different are dog fighting and football”

Objective should be to make the U.S. self-sufficient in marijuana

marijuana-leafHere is the link to the article in the Wall Street Journal Saving Mexico

I’m not a big fan of drugs.  I’ve seen them ruin too many lives.  I’m also not a big fan of keeping drugs illegal.  That is also wrecking too many lives.  Add to that the amount of energy and resources being wasted enforcing the  criminalization  and it equals crazy.  The energy/resources could be better used elsewhere.  

We tried alcohol prohibition and that did not work. It created vast criminal enterprises.  It is the same with drugs.  I appreciate that there is a moral argument here.  Continue reading “Objective should be to make the U.S. self-sufficient in marijuana”

The Last Stand of the Tin Can Sailors

The Last Stand of the Tin Can Sailors: The Extraordinary World War II Story of the U.S. Navy’s Finest Hour by James D. Hornfischer available at

tincan1I don’t normally read books on war or military actions. I originally started to read this book because my mother’s brother is Paul Henry Carr. He died in this battle.

I remember hearing stories about him almost the whole time I was growing up. My grandmother would every once in a great while bring out his medals and show them to us grandkids. I think it made her proud and sad all at the same time. I remember a comic book about the battle that I believe was published by the Navy that she kept around the house. His sisters talked about him for many years like he had taken a trip to the coast and would be back soon. Continue reading “The Last Stand of the Tin Can Sailors”

The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Understanding Islam

The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Understanding Islam by Yahiya Emerick available at

ig_islamI read this book for two reasons. First, I’ve appointed myself the task of learning about the various world religions. Secondly, I have an Arabic friend (stay away Homeland Security) who is Muslim, and I wanted to understand where he was coming from a little better.

I wanted to give this book 3 and half stars, but that is not an option. I gave it four because the author fulfilled his primary mission of teaching the reader the basics of Islam. He also threw in a brief history Islam and Arabs that was interesting. When they talk about Sunnis and Shiites on the news, now I understand the difference. Continue reading “The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Understanding Islam”

Eating Animals – Jonathan Safran Foer

Eating Animals – Jonathan Safran Foer available at

eatinganimalsThis is an easy book to read. This is a hard book to read. It is easy in that it is well written, not overly dense, and well researched. It is hard in that if you have not thought about this issue or have and attempted to compartmentalize it away, some of scenes and practices depicted will not sit easy.

I love a good steak and usually like it grilled “medium moo”. Sometimes I just have to get my KFC on. And, boy howdy, do I my like bar-b-queue.

But then I think back to another life time when I was Continue reading “Eating Animals – Jonathan Safran Foer”