Another snippet of conversation

Again, I was in my bedroom with the window open when I heard several footsteps on the sidewalk below my second story window.

Woman’s voice, “I did not pull her hair.  I was trying to stop her and that was all I could reach.”

Footsteps as they proceed down the sidewalk.

Woman’s voice again, “You’re not happy with me?”

Man’s voice muffled as if he had entered a breezeway, “No.”

The Middle Class Is Crumbling

Quote from video accessed by link below:

“Thirty years ago, the CEOs that are in ‘Undercover Boss’ were making 30 times as much as their working people. Now, they’re making 300 times as much! We’re about to become Venezuela, or Brazil, you know where the people at the top are basically behind they’re gates with guards to protect their kids from kidnapping. The middle class is crumbling and that’s the country we’re going to become… if we don’t fundamentally change where we’re going.”

Arianna On ‘Real Time’: The Middle Class Is Crumbling

A comment was made about CEOs not knowing what was going on below their levels in a company.  It is not that they do not know, it is that they do not care.  So many of those folks have a sense of entitlement to their obscene salaries.  Bill Maher is right.  We have it backwards.  The upper echelons get theirs before the folks that really produce get theirs.  I have no problems with those having more responsibilities, skills, etc getting more money for what  they do.  Heaven knows, I was a boss for 6 years and I hated every day of it.  But I am sorry, no one is worth 300 times the what the worker bees are making.

How Do You Say Goodbye?

Here is an open question for everyone, how do you say goodbye. 

A friend’s mother is in hospice, partly the result of age, and partly the result of several diseases she failed to manage properly catching up with her.

My friend flew her twenty-something daughter in for the week so that she could see her grandmother before she passed.  At the first  of the week my friend’s mother was still occasionally coherent and aware.  By the end of the week she was out of it, and sleeping most of the time. 

The three of us went to visit her on the Saturday before the daughter had to fly back out on Sunday.  It was more than a little sad as the grandmother was only there physically.   The granddaughter knew that this would in all likelihood be the last time she saw her grandmother alive. 

We stayed about two hours.  The granddaughter tried to feed the grandmother who was not interested.   Some attempts were made at communication, but those essentially failed.  Both mother and daughter were crying off and on.  Towards the end the granddaughter just hugged her grandmother and stroked her. 

I went out a little before the other two to give them some time alone.  The granddaughter came out first and asked me, “How do you say goodbye to some one?”  I took a minute to answer as I was a little choked up myself.  All I could muster was a lame comment about “giving them positive energy and remembering the good times.”  I do not imagine it satisfied the daughter.  It did not satisfy me. 

I’ve been thinking about it, and I still not sure I have a good answer.  How do you say goodbye to someone?

It Is Time We Linked Arms

I was visiting with a relative the other day who was about to retire from a state job, but would not be old enough for Medicare.  It was explained to me that he could continue his insurance from the state for $500 a month.  Now that is a lot of money, but almost seems cheap in today’s health care market.

A  little math will tell you that $500 a month is $6,000 a year.  Next add Continue reading “It Is Time We Linked Arms”

Before you eat another Big Mac…

Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser available @

fastfoodnationThe whole time I was reading this book I kept picturing Ray Kroc (the founding father of McDonalds) as played by Gene Wilder screaming, “It’s alive, it’s alive.” 

Unlike Young Frankenstein there is nothing humorous or entertaining about the monster that has been unleashed on the American consumer and that is rapidly spreading to the rest of the world.  This monster is fast food.

Fast Food was on the New York Times bestseller list for two years.  It has been translated into at least 20 languages. There is a good reason for this.  Continue reading “Before you eat another Big Mac…”

More Churches Promote Martial Arts to Reach Young Men

Humans are going to play games and humans are going to fight.  It is in our DNA.  It is in our memes.  Males are especially prone to these activities.  There are a few sports that exist mainly because other folks will pay to watch them; football and boxing come to mind. 

One of the reasons that I quit watching football was the level of violence.  It is the same with boxing.  I understand the attraction, but for me at least, it is appealing to baser part of a human.  In my mind there is a real question of ethics when we pay to watch violence.  I try to avoid such entertainment, and for the most part I do.  Continue reading “More Churches Promote Martial Arts to Reach Young Men”