While Señora is not opposed to using a few wirty dords, it is not her usual modus operandi. Except…
I’ve told the story before of how much she cussed during a long dinner on our first date. So much so that I thought she must be retired Navy. She confessed afterwards that she was really nervous as I was so hot and studly. Well the last part was pure literary license, but she does say she was really nervous. I believe her, but I am not sure why anyone would find me nervous making.
Another time she lets the choice words flow is when it is just the two of us playing Scrabble. When someone else is playing with us she does not do it. But during a couple’s game she will berate me and cuss at me like I was a red headed step child. Heaven forbid I should make use of a triple word square.
The final situation, which seems to be getting progressively worse, is whenever the Tangerine Jesus aka tRump appears on the television or even his voice on the radio. This morning was especially bad. The barrage of expletive deletives and hand gestures were so numerous and forceful that they literally knocked me to the ground. I may need to talk to her Internist to get through this election cycle since I cannot get her to use my strategy, turning off the TV or changing the channel.
And so it goes.