My Modeling Career

There is a security guard where I work, a white woman of ancient years.  I say ancient as she 10 or 15 years older than I, that must push her over into antiquity.  She stopped me the other day as I was returning to my desk from one of my many bathroom runs.  She knows from a prior conversation that I used to work for the parent company of Saks Fifth Avenue.

She asked me, “You used to work for a clothing store, right?  Did you model for them?”

I looked at her funny and replied, “No I programmed for them like I program here.  Why do you think that?”

“Well,” she said, “you walk with such good posture and your wear your hair long and a little different.”

My hair is on the longish side, and I have taken to putting a bit of gel in it and combing it straight back.  I would have to admit it is not the typical hairstyle you see in corporate America.

Just picking at her I asked, “Are you trying to ask me if I am light in my loafers, as male models have that reputation.”

She tries to back pedal a little, and I then I decide to let her off the hook.  I tell her, “I have a bit of bad back that forces me to walk with good posture or bent over depending on how it is feeling.  And as for my hair I guess we all have our affectations.”

The ole Rev. was male model for Saks Fifth Avenue, who would have known?

Okie Proud

Oklahomans passed a state constitutional amendment to ban Sharia Law.  Specifically the amendment states, “orders judges to not to consider Islamic or international law when deciding cases.”  I’m not sure why this was all of sudden an issue worthy of a constitutional amendment in Oklahoma.  I’m guessing it opened up to the lawmaker that proposed this a lot of publicity.

Rick Tepker, a law professor at the University of Oklahoma School of Law told CNN, “”I would like to see Oklahoma politicians explain if this means that the courts can no longer consider the Ten Commandments. Isn’t that a precept of another culture and another nation?”  He listed off several other possible consequences that have not been really thought through.  Complete article here: Oklahoma may have banned use of Ten Commandments along with Sharia law

Another article on Okie attempt at an constitutional amendment What Makes a Will Islamic?

In an unrelated story, the state of Arizona executed Jeffrey Landrigan.  He was originally from Bartlesville, Oklahoma and a big fan of Sooner football.  His last utterance before they injected him was, “Boomer Sooner”, the Sooner fight song.

Yet another reason to be “proud”
 – Read about the Oklahoma charity in this article.  It is among the worst in the nation.

Add in the two reality challenged chumps, Jim Inhoffe and Tom Coburn,  that Oklahomans have elected as Senators and I am beginning to thinking about changing my tagline.

I’m just so proud to be an Okie…not.

Pepé Le Pew

Most of my adult life I have engaged in some sort of regular physical activity.  The motivation derives from an effort to keep my weight somewhat in check and maintain a level of health.  Plus I just plain feel better when I am exercising.  This activity has taken various forms over the years, jogging, extended walks, bicycling, or lap swimming.

When my children were younger I mostly jogged.   I would come in from jogging, especially in the warmer months, very sweaty.  If a child was around I would ask them if they wanted a hug.  Of course, they did not, and I would start chasing them saying, “I need a hug.”  I would never actual catch them, but it was a fun little game (at least for me) that we played. Continue reading “Pepé Le Pew”

A Sane Suggestion for Afghanistan

This has got to be one of the sanest commentaries I have ever read on the subject of our involvement in Afghanistan.

“Aid can be done anywhere, including where Taliban are,” Mr. Mortenson said. “But it’s imperative the elders are consulted, and that the development staff is all local, with no foreigners.”

Put yourself in their shoes.  Would you want some outsider telling you how to run your town?

“Mr. Mortenson says that $243 million is needed to fund all higher education in Afghanistan this year. He suggests that America hold a press conference here in Kabul and put just 243 of our 100,000 soldiers (each costing $1 million per year) on planes home. Then the U.S. could take the savings and hand over a check to pay for Afghanistan’s universities.”

Sounds like it would be money well spent to me.

Nicholas Kristof’s article in the New York Times can be found at the following link.

Dr. Greg and Afghanistan

Rev. Joe Goes to The Big House.

My folks would never have been in the running for the Ward and June Cleaver Parenting Award.  The reason they had children, let alone 5, is unclear to me.  It seemed then and seems now that they felt as long as we were fed, clothed, and a roof was over our head they had fulfilled their parental duties.  They were more involved with the youngest two.

For reasons I will not go into here, I was estranged from my father since I was 13. What few interactions we had were never pleasant, and occasionally they were violent.   Continue reading “Rev. Joe Goes to The Big House.”

Step Away from the Counter

When I was in college I clerked in a liquor store for a while.  It was a great job for a student. On weekends we worked hard, but during the week the store was not busy and I was able to study hard.

I had a legal responsibility to not sell alcohol to people that were intoxicated.  Not only did I face criminal action, but as it was explained to me I could also face civil liabilities.  It is not always easy to tell if someone was over the limit.  It is almost always an argument when you refuse to sell to them, but I did do so a few times.  Continue reading “Step Away from the Counter”

Why Do I Write?

Why do I write?

Good question!  I am fond of telling folks that my blog has a dedicated readership in the low single digits.  That enumeration includes me, my girlfriend’s sporadic browsings, and couple of other folks that on rare occasions pursue my ramblings. At one point I had a fantasy that some of my articles would spark other folks to comment and generate some discussions.  Like so many of my dreams and aspirations in this life that has never really materialized.  I am okay with that at this point.

I suppose I write with an audience in mind, Continue reading “Why Do I Write?”

May be one of the best pieces of music I have ever heard

Hallelujah – May be one of the best pieces of music I have ever heard.

While I have attended the occasional opera over my 5 decades, it is generally not my preferred entertainment.   I do love classical music though.  On one station I stream they played the Hallelujah track from this CD.  I had not heard of Renée Fleming (yes I know shameful) before, but I was an instant fan.  I ordered the CD within minutes.

As a programmer I spend a lot time in front of a computer.  During coding sessions I generally have headphones on listening to music.  Continue reading “May be one of the best pieces of music I have ever heard”

Renée Fleming, Hallelujah

While I do enjoy the occasional opera, I am not a big fan of opera.  Outside of my girlfriend’s friend, Frances Ginsberg, I cannot name very many opera stars. 

I do love classical music though, and listen to classical music stations frequently.    On one of these stations I discovered Renée Fleming.  She has been called America’s Soprano or The People’s Diva.   This station played Hallelujah from the pop album of indie rock songs that she has recently released, Dark Hope.   I bought the CD based one that one song.  The whole album is wonderful, but Hallelujah goes to a whole different plane. I have listened to it multiple times, and I alternate between having the hair on my neck stand up and wanting to tear up.  It is an absolutely wonderful piece of music, performed by a marvelous talent. 

Below is from a BBC show and has Renée Fleming singing an abbreviated version of the song.  On the CD it runs a very, very short 7:39.  This version is enough to give you a taste though.  Absolutely marvelous…if I were in the audience I would be on my feet screaming bravo between the tears.

Plus she is just so damn beautiful it hurts.

Another wonderful Renee Fleming video can be found at Renée Fleming sings Amazing Grace at WTC