Fanny Farmer’s Whole-Egg Mayonnaise (Blender Mayonnaise)

This easy blender mayonnaise recipealso can be made with electric beaters. Fanny Farmer Cookbook


  1. 1 egg
  2. ½ teaspoon dry mustard
  3. ½ teaspoon salt
  4. 2 tablespoons lemon juice or vinegar
  5. 1½ cups olive or other oil *
  1. Put the egg, seasonings and ¼ cup oil in the blender and whirl until well mixed (20 to 30 seconds).
  2. Pour in the rest of the oil in a steady stream. Stop as soon as the emulsion is smoothly blended.

This recipe is from The Fannie Farmer Cookbook

* The olive oil makes for a very strong flavor… try regular oil for a milder more traditional tasting mayonnaise.  Rev. Joe Dirt

Now I can get free range organic eggs and have my mayonnaise… woo woo!   When Robin made some homemade mayo, I was blown away by how much better it was than the stuff in jars I have been getting for years.  Not sure if this is her recipe, but close.


B-A-N-A-N-A… R-E-P-U-B-L-I-C

I’m not much on conspiracy theories, but I am beginning to concoct one.  Our government is adrift.  We have not had any real leadership in the President’s office for 10 years.  What little “leadership” there has been has been counter to benefiting the vast majority of us.

The question then is who benefits from lack of leadership in this country.  My short answer would be cowboys on Wall Street and the wealthy 1 or 2 percent of Americans who seem to be setting the government’s agenda. Continue reading “B-A-N-A-N-A… R-E-P-U-B-L-I-C”


Folks around here have started decorating for Christmas. I, being who I am, have hung pictures of Scrooge and the Grinch on the outside wall of my cube.  I’ve also added a picture of a Santa Claus hat with a big diagonal slash through it.

This morning I added a stuffed Santa Claus that makes Scrooge like comments when he is squeezed.  He has a Christmas tree with a slash through it as part of his outfit.  Some anonymous person hung this on my cube wall last year.

My boss got a call at home last night complaining about my decorations.  My boss declined to identify the caller.  The caller told my boss, “You know that David is not of our belief.”

“What belief is that?”

“Well… he does not believe in Santa Claus” Continue reading “Bah…Humbug…”

Do I have this right?

Do I have this right?

  • We are not going to extend unemployment payments…
  • We are going to raise the retirement age…
  • We are going to get rid of the mortgage interest deduction…
  • We are going to freeze Federal salaries…
  • We have made it tougher for individuals to file bankruptcy…
  • We are not funding schools to the point where we are no longer providing quality education.  Our children are falling behind the rest of the industrialized word…
  • We are thinking about cutting Social Security benefits…
  • The Republicans are trying to repeal the new health care law, weak though it was…

Yet the Republicans are going to hold our legislative process hostage until their rich benefactors get the tax break none of them need…

Do I have this right?

Size Does Matter

How Germany got it right on the economy by Harold Meyerson in The Washington Post

The above link is an article on a different form capitalism, one that values social democratic ideals.  This is not the capitalism found in the good ole USA, but it is found in Germany.  Despite the bad economic times, and the raising economic power of Asia, their economy is still doing very well.

I have had some of the same thoughts as the author of this article, only mine were about farming.  I have occasionally had the same thoughts about small retail shops as Wal-Mart and other big box stores kill downtowns and mom and pop operations. I have just never made the logical progression to our manufacturing base. Continue reading “Size Does Matter”

Just Imagine — No Taxes

There is personal wealth and then there is community wealth.  I read this a while back in a discussion of the growing wealth gap in this country.  One measure of wealth that has a lot to with the general happiness of a population is community wealth. This includes such things as parks, good roads, support of the arts, community buildings, education, etc.

I started thinking about this again as I have just come back from the Shelby County Clerks Office where I was registering my vehicle.   It is not an awful government building, I’ve been in a lot worse, but neither is it grand.  I still remember where they housed the County Sanitarians in Pulaski County, Arkansas.  It was an old hospital that had long been past its prime when the medicos abandoned it.  Now the County was trying to use it for office space.   It does seem to me that many government buildings get short shrift. Continue reading “Just Imagine — No Taxes”