Oui, Oui

This is for the grandkids…

When my son was but a wee laddie, say around 4 or 5 I told him the following joke:

An American was driving in France.  He sees a pretty, young French woman walking besides the road.  He stops besides her, opens the passenger door and asks her if she needs a ride.

She replies, “Oui, oui.”

To which he responded by slamming the door shut and saying before he drove off, “Not in my car, you don’t”!

Once I explained to my precocious youngster the pun involved, oui being the French word for yes that is pronounced “wee”, he loved the joke.  He loved it so much that he would pester me at least once a week for a year or two to tell him the wee-wee joke.  Being the fine parent that I was, I complied.

Recently my son married and instantly gained a family.  He told his stepson the wee-wee joke. Now every time I see the youngster he is pestering me for a rendition of the wee-wee joke.

The beat goes on.  I guess I am just glad he did not tell him the one about the traveling salesman and the 3 hostesses…

2 Replies to “Oui, Oui”

  1. Well your granddaughter says she wants to know the one about the traveling salesman and the three hostess…lol She says we will be there in a few days to see you so be ready. Thank you for writing that while the kids was reading this they said” Pappa Dayo is a cool guy mom” it made their day!!

  2. James 1:6But he must ask in faith without any doubting, for the one who doubts is like the surf of the sea, driven and tossed by the wind. 7For that man ought not to expect that he will receive anything from the Lord, 8being a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways.

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