Only 6% of Scientists are Republicans

This article is drawing the conclusion that because most scientist are Democrats (or at least not Republicans) it draws into question the science behind some big issues today.

Climate change is the example given. Whether you believe that climate change is happening splits down party lines. Which makes me wonder about how much our politicians are really examining the issues, but that is another topic. The article wonders if science is pushing science or perhaps politics (and funding) is pushing science.

I have another question. Scientists on the whole are a very well educated group. They are trained to look at most things in a critical and factual manner. If you do not know the answer they are trained to search for it, or say we really do not know at this time.

Given the above, I find it very interesting that only 6% are Republicans. But that is just me!

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Most scientists in this country are Democrats. That’s a problem.

One Reply to “Only 6% of Scientists are Republicans”

  1. It looks like my suspicions were right repukelicans are just naturally dumb.

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