One Pie, 9 Pieces to the Rich, 1 Piece for the Rest of Us

And this folks is why I am so disillusioned and angry at the Right and our buffoons in Congress…

This chart is all over the Internet.  To me numbers seem to ring true, but I really do not know.  Best I could find out this is the original article from whence this chart came.  Note: Original article is no longer available.

Right now, I am buying the figures.

   Programs at risk vs Tax breaks for the wealthy

Click on image to get a more readable size

Random thought…I used to have to go to the downtown area of any major city to see crazy, psychotic people wondering around. Now days all I have to do is turn on CSPAN.

6 Replies to “One Pie, 9 Pieces to the Rich, 1 Piece for the Rest of Us”

  1. What has happened to this country? I thought this country cared about the citizens…their families, their well being, their education….their futures…..Nope..not anymore…We are just cogs in the machines of the wealthy.
    Here we are…. a USA powered by rich, greedy, dirty mega powers. I think I better go and darn my socks. I will probably be measured by societal decay and lose my pension. I wonder who will be the next generation of teachers in this country?

  2. The funny part is most pies used to be cut in 8 pieces, so with a 10 slice pie the slices have gotten smaller. Oh by the way for a number of years now the packaging at the stores has gotten smaller, such as that 5# bag of sugar is now 4#. Just grab the KY and enjoy it you have no choice but to keep making the rich richer. They are redistributing the wealth back to themselves, the middle class was getting to uppity.

  3. The rich have been waging a “class war” on the rest of us since the Nixon administration, but get all huffy when we notice.

  4. Umm… I get the first two columns, but how does the third column correlate? You have what appears to be annual costs in the first two columns and then a total cost in the third column? Just wondering. Thanks.

  5. Not my chart, but the point of the chart is this…for all the tax breaks,etc we are giving or proposing for folks (that in my opinion do not need them) we could be paying for the social programs they are proposing cutting.

    The war figures shows that what we wasted on unnecessary wars could have funded all the cuts to social programs and much more.

    I do not know about you, but it makes me cry when I think about the blood and treasure we have wasted in these two wars.

  6. I agree.

    The reason we get into WARS OF CHOICE (wars for the wealthy) is because the incentives are all wrong.

    A new law should be passed immediately that says that every time the war mongers in the US want to start a war, the following MUST happens before the first batch of troops leaves our shores:

    1) 5 % tax increase for all Americans.
    2) 15 % tax increase for millionaires
    3) 20 % tax increase for BIllionaires
    4) 25 % for all corporations that benefit from the war…. like corporations that build weapons of any kind -guns, artilleries.

    If we do that, America will never again get into a war – that is not a war of necessity.

    If it is indeed a war of NECESSITY, it is the citizen’s duty to make the sacrifice.


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