Okay, how old am I?

This morning was the morning of my colonoscopy.  No problems, after a year of arm twisting from my Internist I went for the screening procedure.

My girlfriend drove me there and waited with me, and then waited for me.  As I was waiting my turn, for some reason behind my paper I begin to make fart noises.  My girlfriend chided me telling this was not an appropriate place to be doing that.  I cannot think of a better place myself.

I finally get back to the prep area and put on their cute paper gown.  A male nurse came in to wheel me to the “room”.  He asked me, “So what are you in for today?”  I reply, “I believe someone said something about an alien anal probe.”  He looked at me funny, and then decided it was a joke.  I’ll give him credit he did muster up a weak laugh.

I was going to ask the doctor if had wiped the probe since the last patient.  The medicine must have started to take effect as I forgot about that little piece of “humor”.

To my chagrin as I left after my “alien” experience there was only one person left in what had been a full waiting room earleir.  I still acted like I had been sitting in the saddle for 10 days as I walked across the waiting room.

Okay, how old am I?

And of course, folks have asked about my butt several times today.

Anyway, no hits, no runs, no  errors, no polyps – came back and see us in 10 years.

2 Replies to “Okay, how old am I?”

  1. If you’re doing that for a living and can’t take a joke…. maybe you should rethink your job.

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