OCP Developer PL/SQL Program Units Exam Guide

OCP Developer PL/SQL Program Units Exam Guide by Steve O’Hearn available at Amazon.com

51nhzb2udkl_bo2204203200_pisitb-sticker-arrow-clicktopright35-76_aa240_sh20_ou01_I have not real gripes with book.  It is not great; it is not bad.  There are not a lot of resources out there to use to study for the OCP Developer exam.  This seems to be one of the few resources out there outside of one of the exam prep companies. 

I’ve been in this business more than a few years, and I am used to reading technical manuals and books.  This one is especially dry.  I really had to crack my internal whip to get after it.

 My real gripe is the CD packaged with it.  I’m not even all the thru the practice tests and modules and I ready to take it to the skeet range.  It is a piece of junk.

 Let’s start off with the interface.  It looks like something coming out of a high school computer class 10 years ago.  And the button that says “Guess again” after an incorrect answer is so juvenile.

 Then add in the errors, bugs and poor design.  My favorite design flaw is where they state after a question “Choose all that apply” then give you radio buttons.  Well guess how many can apply!  If there is more than one answer they give you check boxes.

 More than once I have a question come back as incorrect, look at their explanation text only to have it tell me the one I selected was the correct answer, arrggghhh.

 On a few questions the chosen answer was just flat out wrong.  I have spent time researching these which is I suppose a good learning exercise, but hopefully that is not what they intended.

 Use the book; chunk the CD in the trash.

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