ObamaCare for Dummies

This is a very NON-PARTISAN explanation of the Affordable Care Act aka ObamaCare.  It strikes me that a large number of folks are opposed to ObamaCare and actually have little or no understanding of what it really is.

One issue I hear a lot is that folks are afraid that they will be taxed to subsidize freeloaders.  IMHO this is happening already in two ways.  The first would be excessive corporate profits.  There is a reason insurance executives can be paid those huge salaries and bonuses.  Secondly, when poor folks have no other health care option but to show up at an emergency room we are taxed for by the cost be shifted into other arenas of the hospital and passed on to paying patients.

Health resources are limited which means they need to be triaged.  The question becomes do you want the government triaging your health care or a for profit corporation.  Seniors seem to love the governments Medicare program.  Native Americans seem to find Indian Health Care more than acceptable.  My personal issue with ObamaCare is that is leaves too much in the private sector, but I realize it was probably the best that could be done at the time.

At least invest the 15 minutes or so in a very well done video before you absolutely decide one way or the other about ObamaCare.  Far too many of us many political decisions along partisan lines without all the information.  Far too many of our politicians do not speak to the issue, but work on our fears.  Educating yourself is at least a start in the right direction.

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