Obama the Betrayer

I am not alone in thinking Obama is a wolf in sheep’s clothing…

“Tragically, Obama’s lasting legacy will have been to create a wave of cynicism and disillusionment and to have squandered a genuine opportunity for progressive social change.” ~~ Harold Jacobs:


Our Chief Wolf in Sheep's Clothing.

Bought and Paid for

I got what I expected from Bush so I will not claim disappointment.  I had some small degree of hope for Obama.  To call what I am feeling disillusionment is to understate it.  At this point my picture of Obama is the punk with the cigarette dangling from the corner of his mouth with no real direction.  Between the MTV kids jumping on the fad of the moment, Obama, and the media anointing that fad the next Messiah, we ended up well… screwed.

Bill Daley – new White House Chief of Staff…further proof Obama is in bed with the corporations that have taken over this country’s government.

Turn out the lights, the party is over…

Misery With Plenty of Company Bob Herbert @ The New York Times

Bill Daley’s Appointment Proves “The Bankers Have Won Completely,” Simon Johnson Says

“I learned when I was in social studies class in school that corporate ownership or corporate control of government is called fascism,” Congressman J0hn Hall to the New York Observer.

“The sad truth, as shown by Glenn Greenwald,  is that Obama had arrived at the White House looking to make cuts in benefits to the elderly. Two weeks before his inauguration, Obama echoed conservative scares about Social Security and Medicare by talking of “red ink as far as the eye can see.” He opened his doors to Social Security/Medicare cutters — first trying to get Republican Senator Judd Gregg (“a leading voice for reining in entitlement spending,” wrote Politico) into his cabinet, and later appointing entitlement-foe Alan Simpson to co-chair his “Deficit Commission.” Obama’s top economic advisor, Larry Summers, came to the White House publicly telling Time magazine of needed Social Security cuts.”

From the article:   Why Obama May Be Wall Street’s New Best Friend Obama

“…writing inNew York magazine, retired Times columnist Frank Rich blasted Obama “for the stunning lack of accountability for the greed and misdeeds that brought America to its gravest financial crisis since the Great Depression.” As a consequence, “a [large] share of the American electorate views him as a tool of the very fat-cat elite that despises him.”

From the article:   How Obama Squandered the High Hopes of Those Who Elected Him

“Give Obama credit, though.  He practices what he preaches.  While he did once refer to the denizens of Wall Street as “fat cats,” the Washington Post recently reported that his 2012 election campaign has done anything but demonize them.  In fact, so far early in this election season, according to new fundraising data, the campaign has “managed to raise far more money… from the financial and banking sector than Mitt Romney or any other Republican presidential candidate.” (Not that Romney has been suffering when it comes to Wall Street, where he’s raising money hand over fist from all the firms you love to hate.)”

From the article Who Is Demonizing the Rich?


I’m so very sad…

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