No wine for you, Cat

100_0380Robin’s cat, Booty Wang, is your typical finicky cat.  He is especially finicky about his water.  He prefers that it be from a running source.  A time or two or ten I have found Robin running the water at the bathroom sink and Booty lapping it up from the stream.

Given my attitude about the subservient nature of companions not of the Homo sapiens food group, I am not going to do this.  However, I do feel a responsibility for animals partially in my care.  We did start keeping a water bowl in the upstairs master bathroom as well as one in the laundry room.  He would not drink from the original bowl that I had purchased.  After a few weeks I wondered if it was because it was plastic.  So I changed it out for a glass bowl.  Voila, he would drink from that, BUT only if the water was fresh.  If the water had sat for more than a few hours he ignores it.   He will walk into the bathroom sit down in front of the bowl, and wait for a human to magically change it into fresh water.   Did I call him the subservient species earlier?

This morning that routine transacted, and he still just sat there looking at the fresh water in the bowl.  In exasperation I said, “Cat, I cannot change it into wine, deal with it.”  That is when I remembered I had not taken my meds.

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