New Rule

If you are going to sag your pants down below your buttocks while wearing white boxers, you must use bleach whenever it is that you wash those things.  Just in case you have not figured out your greyish boxers are particularly revolting.  And I would bet you a house payment that they are not attracting the fairer sex.

Baggy/sagging pants, the defining link proving that “fashion” is bogus, and following the group is frequently stupid.


2 Replies to “New Rule”

  1. After having dug to a depth of 10 feet last year, New York scientists found traces of copper wire dating back 100 years and came to the conclusion, that their ancestors already had a telephone network more than 100 years ago.

    Not to be outdone by the New Yorkers, in the weeks that followed, a California archaeologist dug to a depth of 20 feet, and shortly after, A story in the LA Times read: “California archaeologists, after finding 200 year old copper wire, have concluded that their ancestors already had an advanced high-tech communications network a hundred years earlier than the New Yorkers”

    One week later. A local newspaper in Oklahoma reported the following:
    “After digging as deep as 30 feet in his pasture near Ardmore , Ok. Bubba, a self-taught archaeologist, reported that he found absolutely nothing. Bubba has therefore concluded that 300 years ago, Oklahoma had already gone wireless”.

  2. Since I started this whole nonsense with a picture I shared, displayed above. I get to say what you all want to. The baggy pants fad is good for only one thing. GETTIN ON THE CRAPPER QUICKLY.

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