New Memphian B&B

There is a new B&B in Memphis, Veronica & Steve’s Bodacious B&B.  Now you are probably thinking B&B, Bed and craft beerBreakfast, and in most cases you would be correct.  However, in this case the B&B signifies Beer and Bed.  It is a new twist on an old favorite.

The proprietors, Veronica and Steve, run an establish full of down home cheer.  Veronica is a native Memphian.  Steve is a transplanted Canuck who brings his Canadian reserve and sensibilities to the establishment.  Veronica handles the domestic portion while Steve is brew master and master gardener.  Veronica has a ready smile, and is a fine conversationalist on a range of topics.  While we arrived somewhat late, this did not seem to faze her, and we were gracefully greeted.  She directed us to amply sized rooms with comfortable beds.  As in an old world B&B and some European hotels you share a bathroom.  This was not a problem, as long as we waited 15 minutes or so after our traveling partner had used the facilities.

Steve has the yard and gardens looking absolutely magnificent.  The stand of banana trees in the front yard is worthy of a Costa Rican plantation.  His vegetable gardens in back supply a variety of delectable treats.  While there, I tried two of his in-house craft beers.  The first was Belgian blonde ale that I would have to classify as most excellent. It is the perfect summer ale, light with subtle flavors, and most refreshing.  The second beer was cream ale that perhaps we had popped the top on a bit early.  Steve explained to me that normally you allow beer to season in the bottle for a few weeks to allow the flavors to blend and mature.   I would like to try this one again when it has had a chance to grow to its potential.

Steve prepares a seasonal treat that if you ever discover that he is making, you should beat down his door.  When the weather turns colder Steve prepares smoked salmon that surely is orgasmic as it melts in your mouth.  It is among the best I have tasted.

Veronica & Steve’s Bodacious B&B is a bit off the beaten path, and reservations are extremely hard to come by, but if you get the chance – treat yourself.

Golf packages are available on request.

3 Replies to “New Memphian B&B”

  1. I will be there next year when the doors opens. The beer was better than the golf. Can’t have it all.

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