Movie Review: 10 Questions for the Dalai Lama

Movie Review by Sister Lorie

10 Questions for the Dalai Lama.

dalailamaLet’s just say I am somewhat fascinated by the Dalai Lama as a person and as a religious leader. To those of us that know little about Buddhism, he seems strange and somewhat exotic. From the prayer flags waving in the breeze to the remote barren moon-scape of a land that he once ruled, every thing about this man is foreign. This film is a tale of two journeys. The journey of a documentary film maker with a life long dream to interview his personal hero and the hero. The hero is at once a simple monk who lives on $10/day and only travels economy and the political and spiritual leader of a country and an age old people.

The back story of Tibet, the Chinese invasion and the Dalai Lama were reviewed in a matter of fact manor using archival footage. It is difficult for those of us raised with the Judeo-Christian ethic to comprehend the Tibetan people vision of time. If one believes in reincarnation, does this life matter as much?

Given 10 questions that you could put to your personal hero, what would you ask? The questions were thoughtful and interesting.

I enjoyed it enormously and do recommend it to all who have an interest in that part of the world, the man or the belief system.

If you wish to know more of Tibet and the Dalai Lama, I recommend Kundun.

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