Missouri religious leaders sue to overturn Missouri’s ban on abortion

One of the guiding principles of my life is live and let live.  If I were being honest, I would have to admit to falling short of this goal far too often, but it is a light I steer towards.  In that same vein I have a mantra I recite whenever I am speaking or thinking about religious beliefs or sexual orientation, “Life is tough, whatever gets you through the day, whatever gets you through the night.

My issue with many Christians, especially Evangelicals and Catholics, and very fundamentalist Muslims is that they feel compelled to push their religious and moral values onto the rest of society. Many feel this is their sacred duty, that they are called by God to do so.  It is certainly not a live and let live attitude.   While cultural “wars” are nothing new in history in general and in this country in particular, they seem to be reaching a fever pitch in this country in the first part of the 21st century.  The aforementioned groups are attempting to shove their distinct religious and moral beliefs down everyone else’s throat.  While tit for tat is never the best way to operate, this group of moral crusaders really leave no other option. I can feel my goal of live and let live evaporating day by day as I read the news of their various activities.

With the overturn of Roe v Wade by a Supreme Court packed with Catholics and Conservatives, Missouri passed what can only be described as a draconian law limiting abortion access. I truly do not have the words to describe how angry both these actions made me, and I would add that Señora is angrier than me, perhaps outraged would be a better word.  For her it is these groups, dominated by males, trying to control the female body on top of limiting what should be a basic right available to all women.

Last week there was a group of religious leaders here in Missouri that filed a lawsuit against the State of Missouri and others for violating the fundamental American principle of separation of church and state by limiting access to abortion.  It was a mix of Christian and Jewish religious leaders, including the principal rabbi of the synagogue that Robin attends.  Bully for them and bully for Rabbi Bennett, a good man and probably about as deep of a thinker as I personally know .

I can only hope they succeed. Oh, where can I donate money to  help their cause… right here: Americans United for Separation of Church and State

And/or an organization I donate to monthly: Planned Parenthood

Here are some links to stories about the lawsuits.

5 rabbis sue state of Missouri over abortion bans on religious freedom grounds

St. Louis rabbis among Missouri religious leaders suing to overturn state abortion ban

Coalition of religious leaders sues to overturn Missouri’s ban on abortion

And so it should absolutely not go.

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