Less Is More????

One of the advantages of being a computer gypsy of the last decade or so is not accumulating a lot of “stuff”. I have wanted some things then wondered where the heck was I going to put it. I also worry about having to move stuff. I will admit I cannot get on board with digitized books. I love my books. Of course, my brother threatened to not help me move again as he carried box after box of books up three flights of stairs.

The speaker highlighted a question I have been asking myself for years, “Is my life really going to be that much better if I spend my hard earned money on this —fill in the blank—.”  Remember the old saw about stuff owning us rather than we owning stuff? Of course George Carlin would tell you that “his stuff is stuff, and your stuff is shit.”

Something to think about.

3 Replies to “Less Is More????”

  1. I have had that opinion for a long time. I don’t want to own a lot. Years ago I worked cleaning houses. A single older guy asked me to come once per week to clean his house. He had been all over the world and accumulated lots of things. His house was around 2k sq ft. He told me that he was going to add a few rooms. I asked why. He said, ‘For my stuff’. I thought, own less stuff. Give it away, sell it, what ever. But don’t let your stuff own you or dictate your life.

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