Kissed by Stephen Hawking

I am probably the only person on the planet who has been kissed by Stephen Hawking… in a dream.  Let me allow that to sink in for a minute, after all I am still trying to get over it myself.

In my dream I was at a house that was my parents, but not like any house they have ever lived in.  Stephen was tooling around his wheel chair.  He smelled horribly as he had not been bathed or his clothes washed in a hundred years.  He had an attending health care worker with him, but for some reason she was totally ignoring him.   Stephen had a lot more motion in my dream than he has in real life.  Also he lived in Salem, OR and not England.

In my dream Stephen needed dental work and I needed to lie in his lap as the dentist worked to keep him still.  When the dentist was done Stephen kissed me on the cheek.

In the same dream my Bible Belt relatives and their entire ilk were learning Hebrew.  The posters advertising the classes were terming it Jewish instead of Hebrew!  Apparently you needed to know Hebrew to be ready for the second coming!   Only they were really learning Yiddish and thought it was Hebrew.

Yeah, I know.  It is boring to here about someone else’s dreams.

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