John Oliver on a Trump 2nd Term… Be scared, very scared

John Oliver on a Trump 2nd Term… Be scared, very scared.

If you have 30 minutes it is well worth your time.  There are groups gearing up to enable Trump’s anti-democratic, racist, classist agenda to be more effective on a second go-around.  No matter how hard I try, I cannot come up with a single positive reason why anyone would support Donald Trump.  I really wonder when they stopped teaching Civics, American History and critical thinking in the schools.  Although I do not think critical thinking has ever been high on the American educational agenda.

Disheartening is the only word I can come up with…

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2 Replies to “John Oliver on a Trump 2nd Term… Be scared, very scared”

  1. Unfortunately John Oliver and Bill Maher will be near the top
    of tRUMPS (El Duce, Herr Hitler and Putin wannabs) hit

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