I wow yet another SYT

This is not as delicious a tale as the time I was bucked off the treadmill while trying to flirt with a sweet young thing. Nor is it as embarrassing as the time I was looking for a cat while the cell phone in my pant’s pocket was meowing at me. But it does typify my life

There are miles and miles and miles of bicycle trails in and around St. Louis. I’ve bought myself a bike and have set a goal to ride 3 times during the week of around 20 or 25 miles each time. On weekends I shoot for both days and longer rides. I’d like to so say I pretty much hit my goal 100%, but I don’t. I do get close most weeks, sometimes.

I would not call myself fast. If I do pass someone on the bike path it is usually a grandmotherly type on a 20 year old Schwinn. I’m quite used to the spandex set of bicyclers zooming past and twirling me around.

This evening I had a chance to pass a sweet young thing (SYT) that was just ambling along looking at the scenery. Being the frustrated comedian or wise-ass that I am, I commented as I passed her, “Watch out, here comes Greased Lightening!” Well not too far up the road I noticed my bike was acting funny so I stopped only to discover I had a flat tire. About this time the SYT came by saying, “What’s the problem, Greased Lightening?”, laughing as she pedaled on.

Story of my life.

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